Coaching Paradigm

One of the greatest temptations in leading others is to rescue. When leading and developing others there are three factors to keep in mind; Desired result, group morale, people development. Try this technique to make something that is subjective slightly more objective.

Desired Result: Through force of will and experience you guarantee that what you want to be true at the end of the day is true.

Group Morale: How the collective group feels

People Development: The growth of the people entrusted to your care.

Score yourself 1 -10 in each of these categories and then go with the choice that creates the highest combined score of these 3 factors.

Scenario: Leading a training for all of the company employees and board members.

Example 1: You lead the entire meeting using your best content guaranteeing that people walk away knowing exactly what is important to you. Desired result is a 10 because people left knowing what is important to you and you are good at that presentation. Group morale is a 7 because people experienced a well run meeting but it is not a 10 because no one else felt any ownership. People development is a 2 because no one else got to lead anything but they did get to see the modeling of a well run meeting. Total score 19

Example 2: You allow a team of junior people in the organization lead the meeting with limited help from you and despite their best efforts it was not a well run training. Desired result is a 2. Group morale is a 3 because people felt like it was a waste of a Saturday. People development was an 8 because of how valuable it was for the junior team members to prepare and have that opportunity. Total score 13

Example 3: You work with a team and share responsibilities of the training. Some parts of it go better than others. Desired result 7. Group morale 7 because the meeting was fairly well run and many teammates felt ownership. People development 9 because team members got to experience modeling and opportunity that stretched them but not too far. Total score 23.

We must resist the temptation to rescue in the name of getting a desired result

We can’t sacrifice group morale for the sake of people development.

Self awareness is key. We must know what our default tendencies are and then compensate accordingly. Undeniably I prioritize developing people sometimes at the cost of group morale or desired result.

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Common Deflection Techniques


Feedback and Physical Therapy