Many people, including myself initially, see fundraising as a necessary evil. Thankfully this is not the case and I am so grateful that I have been able to experience the joy in inviting other people to be able to join in the work that they care about as much as you do. My paraphrase of what Sasha Dichter says so well in his manifesto on fundraising; essentially what we are doing in fundraising is saying to people, “you are great at making money, I am great at making change (fill in your mission here). You care about (your mission here). So you keep doing what you are doing and I will keep doing and let’s put these two things together.” Henri Nouwen says a similar thing in a more spiritual way in A Spirituality of Fundraising. If you haven’t crossed this threshold let’s start there. Then once you do I have some ideas below on how you can be more effective in fundraising.
Jon is a straight-shooter with leadership experience and a pastor's heart. He's raised a lot of money himself, but he's also trained and coached others to greater effectiveness. Without ignoring the nuts and bolts of fundraising, Jon asks the deeper questions that unlock new opportunities. He's a great communicator and makes those around him better.
— Jeremy Mann | Head of School at The Field School
I have worked firsthand with Jon as he successfully raises funds for his organization. He is relational to the core, caring more about the giver than the gift. He truly sees his financial supporters as ministry partners and also cares for them holistically in their charitable goals.
— Lauren Wong | Associate Director of Development Wheaton College

Thoughts on Fundraising

3 Circles
It all begins with an idea.

Essential Elements for Community Support
It all begins with an idea.