Sincerity is always the right answer.
I have never been hurt or offended by sincerity.
I always appreciate when someone says something genuine to me.
I have never regretted saying something heartfelt.
Fear gets in the way of us speaking sincerely more often. It gets in the way of us telling people what they mean to us and what we appreciate about them. Fear gets in the way of it and that needs to stop.
We default to a culture of sarcasm that surrounds us rather than charting our own course of sincerity.
This isn’t intended to be anti-sarcasm as much as it is pro-sincerity. There simply isn’t enough of it.
Sincerity crosses cultures. Sincerity crosses generations. Sincerity works in every setting and every context. I promise.
I want to spread sincerity. It is contagious.
I want to look for opportunities to say something that is heartfelt and overcome the fear that seeks to keep me from saying it.