Embrace the ing

I am skeptical of most things that end in the letters ed.

More specifically I am leery when someone says they have learned something.

This is one of the (many) things that 12 step programs got right. No one is a recovered alcoholic they are forever a recovering alcoholic.

When I was in high school and started going to Young Life I began the process of being transformed. I would have told you at the time that through Christ I had learned to find my identity in Christ rather than in my performance. The reality is that I was just beginning the journey of learning to find my identity in Christ.

I have not learned to stop comparing myself to others but I am learning to.

I have not learned to have balance in my life but I am learning to

I have not learned to forgive but I am learning to

I have not changed but I am changing

I have not learned very much but I am learning a lot

Scripture talks about “Being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory.” We are being transformed. It is a process and that is okay.

Scripture also says that “You are a new creation- the old has gone the new has come.” I believe that too but most of my life has felt more like being transformed than being a new creation.

We need to embrace the -ing

What are you learning? How are you changing? How are you being transformed?